April, a Month of Appreciation
Paardeberg Mountain
Retreat held its first Youth Rally of the year during April. We took our youth
from Swartland to attend. They had such fun with all the games that had been
planned and of course the food is always delicious when prepared by Suzanne
McRoberts! A member of our Church Planting Team, Derek Exner, shared the gospel
with the teenagers and we pray that many of them took the time to think and
pray about what they heard that night! Thank you to PMR for all the planning
and effort put into this rally, our kids loved it!
We visited “Blue
Downs Baptiste Gemeente” this past month in Blue Downs, Western Cape where Deon
was given the opportunity to preach. Their pastor is back on furlough in the
United States for a year. The Blue Downs Baptiste church family has a special
place in my heart because I served alongside many of the people we saw today
during the years 2000-2004 while I was a single missionary serving on the team
establishing this church plant. It was wonderful getting to see old friends and
making new friends as we fellowshipped at Blue Downs Baptist. The congregation
had an interim pastor but he unexpectedly had to withdraw because he learned
that he has colon cancer and would have to under go extensive surgery and
endure a long recovery. Please be praying for Pastor Richter and his wife
We have been getting
ready to leave for the States over the last few months and this month has been
filled with a lot of preparation and packing! All that we have been doing has
slowly been coming together, from contacting potential supporting churches in
the States to moving all of our belongings into storage. The Lord has calmed
our hearts as we take this big step of faith and leave all that we know behind
to start deputation. Every aspect of the plans we’ve made have come together
and we look forward to serving the Lord in the USA over the next five months.
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Waiting in Johannesburg for our Flight to Heathrow |
Please be praying
with us:
… as we
leave in early May and travel across to the United States. Pray for us as we present
the ministry the Lord has laid on our hearts for the town of Malmesbury.
… our son,
Ruan, as he adjusts to hearing only English spoken around him, the airplane
rides and road trips and the many crèche’s (nurseries) he’ll be expected to be
in as we visit each church.
… for spiritual
strength as we attend the Biblical Ministries Worldwide’s candidate class in
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Ruan Loved the Plane Rides! |
written by: Michelle Rensburg
Geweet Ruan sal van die vlieg hou ;) Bid vir julle!