How we met...

As I think back on how Deon and I met I find it amazing to see how the Lord brought us together. I had just arrived in Johannesburg, South Africa from having completed a few years of teaching in the United States. My best friend, Lisa,  knew I was looking for a church and invited me to attend a young adults Bible study being held at her and her husband's house. At that same time Deon was also looking for a new church to attend and was also invited to come to the Bible study by one of his friends. I remember so clearly when he walked through the door that night. I was standing with a group of  girls and turned to look to see who had just walked through the door and my first thought was, "Ag shame, he's soaking wet!". An unusually rainy winters night had brought him to Bible study looking worse for wear. Lisa asked me to assist her in helping Deon and in doing so I was introduced to the man of my dreams and later found out would be the man that the Lord had brought into my life to be my husband!

Deon proposed to me the following year on my birthday and we were married in Cape Town surrounded by our family and friends on December 15, 2007.

written by: Michelle Rensburg


  1. Aw, it was fun to hear the story! I love your wedding dress...beautiful, and you look gorgeous. :-) (By the way, this is Angie ;-))


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